
May 30, 2024

Lake Lyell Public Recreation Area

Lithgow City Council engaged ISD through a competitive process to provide a master plan and business development strategy for the popular Lake Lyell public recreation area. […]
September 26, 2023
trentham waters

Gundagai Tourist Park

We reached out to Integrated Site Design on our project after reaching a dead-end with the approvals process through our local Council. Jim, Neville and the […]
September 19, 2023
Gundagai Tourist Park

Gundagai Tourist Park

Our commercial relationship with Jim Bolger & Neville Green at Integrated Site Design commended in late 2022.  However, in this short period of time we have […]
September 6, 2023
ballina beach nature resort

Ballina Beach Nature Resort

We initially engaged Jim and Nev from Integrated Site Design to prepare the masterplan for Ballina Beach Nature Resort in 2020 which we have used as […]